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Code of Ethics

Community's intention filling stations, LPG and CNG is to create optimal conditions for the dynamic business of operating a service station fuel, LPG and CNG, investment and design, stockpiling fuel, LPG and CNG, construction activity, transportation and other related activities and defend the common interests of its members. Community members filling stations, LPG and CNG shall ensure a high level of service, giving emphasis on building long term relationships and reliability in the competitive environment of the Slovak market.

1. Members and Honorary Members of the Community service stations, LPG and CNG strictly adhere to the law of the Slovak Republic.
2. Respect the applicable regulations on environmental protection.
3. Undertake to ensure adequate working conditions for employees in terms of job security and protect against the risk of customers and third parties.
4. Ensure that the quality of their products sold and services conforms to standards in force in Slovakia. Guarantee the quality of these products.
5. Refuse participation of any of its employee and partner of corruption, respectively. rogue activities.
6. None of the members of the Community service stations, LPG and CNG will not attempt to directly or indirectly acquire employees who are employed by another member in order to obtain economic benefits.
7. Proper implementation of concluded contracts and agreements deemed to community members filling stations, LPG and CNG as a fundamental precondition for the development of trade relations.
8. The members assist each other in providing information and solving problems based on experience.
9. Promote a positive attitude and public opinions on the Community and assist in expanding the membership base.
10. Promote informal meetings between members of the sporting, cultural and social level.
The procedure for violation of ethical rules
 1. Violation of ethical rules pending arbitration committee at the instigation of members of the Community or from the third party complaint within 30 days of receipt of the complaint.
2. According to the course and outcome of the survey, the arbitration committee of Community Board recommendation for filling stations, LPG and CNG.
3. In violation of ethical rules, the board may:
- Tackle infringement interview
- Reprimand
- Exclusion of a member
4. If violated ethical rules member who is within the Community institutions, such member shall not participate in negotiations.

In Bratislava, 06.05.2011